Memorial Miscellaneous Social Media

Keith’s Theatre, 2/21/25

Wanna know my take on the latest world happenings? Grab a seat & stick around…

Ouch, the present moment is too much to bear! Guess I’m sick of looking at reality.  Wanna bury my head in the sand & no wonder so many from the hippie generation opted to turn on, tune in & drop out.  Congrats, Prof. Tim Leary, for getting it right, or at least that’s how it seemed at that time.

What’s been going on in the wonderful world of social media? A trifle depressing for some & where’s my anti-depressant when needed most?

Heard the latest news concerning DEI/woke? Here’s a perfect example of how good intentions slowly went awry.  Mankind’s inclination to darkness & all that, don’t cha know.  What initially began as a goodwill gesture slowly morphed into something we’d all rather forget, though just wait & anti-DEIs will eventually adopt the same attitude, which was clearly “ram it down their throats at all costs!”

Hopefully, I’ll be long gone by that time, but probably not since I seem doomed to an endless amount of suffering.  As Grandma used to say, “I must have a been a sharmootha!” (Arabic word for whore).  Speaking of my maternal grandmother, the subject of religion just came to mind!

Palm leaves hanging everywhere on Palm Sundays, religious icons caked on Grandma’s walls.  Not just any icons, mind you, real icons from the Eastern Orthodox Church, as Grandma always emphasized. 

Of course there was her mother, my maternal great-grandmother, who’d converted to Catholicism, but that’s a different story entirely.  Some big deal back in Lebanon around 1880 where the Eastern Orthodox Church ordered the death of a family member.  That was the story as related to me, swear to God! One thing I do know, middle eastern folk are a crazy lot.  I should know ‘cause I’m one of ‘em.

Surprised someone even exercised the mental gymnastics required to convert from Eastern Orthodoxy to Catholicism because they’re mortal enemies, don’t cha know? Some existential disagreement about how the Holy Spirit was born.  Go figure…

Yes, Mom’s side was intense, but Dad’s side of the family was often more so, mostly Lutheran, with a dash of Mennonite.  I was surrounded by religion 24/7 as a child, especially at school, where the cornerstone of my education involved the “Golden Rule.”

First order of the morning, students stood at attention to say the pledge of allegiance, with hand dutifully held over heart.  Just before lunch, my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Brunson, sporting a large goiter she’d never had removed, prompted the class to stand and say the Lord’s Prayer.  The main thing that bothered me (other than the huge goiter no one dared speak of), was the Jewish kid in the class.  Joey might’ve known Kaddish, but certainly not the Lord’s Prayer & so simply bowed his head & lip-synched, trying to appear respectful.  We were just kids, what did we know? Come to think of it, what do kids really know?

Another hot topic on social media now! Plenty of opinions on both sides, some are (regrettably) quite vocal and rant on and on and on and on…

Mrs. Brunson ‘twas about the time of the landmark Murray v. Curlett Supreme Court case (separation of church & state), and I don’t believe the Lord’s Prayer went on for much longer & recall that Mrs. Brunson retired shortly afterward.  God only knows what would ensue in today’s world if such a situation arose.  Probably a shootout with assault weapons! 

No one ever would’ve considered such a thing way back when.  Too much “fear of God” in them, perhaps?

Shan’t we say? Until next time…

Hollywood, Broadway & More! Memorial Miscellaneous Social Media

Keith’s Theatre, 2/14/25

(Move over Hedda Hopper, Louella Parsons & Adela Rogers St. Johns)

Don’t cha know the latest happenings around Hollywood? I do, even stuck all the way up in San Francisco.  YouTube rules the roost, and is frequently on my menu, as I peruse the latest haps in Hollycyberworld. 

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was confirmed on Feb. 13th, as many of you know, and Tulsi Gabbard also.  Both were former Democrats and so was I, once upon a time…light years before the Democratic Party became so horrendously out-of-touch with the average person.

Latest fad on YouTube…The Panic Button! Panic Button channel’s two gals are hysterical, reacting in novel ways to thoroughly bizarre videos.  Check it out.

Worcester, Massachusetts just made the news! It’s the latest, it’s the greatest, it’s the United States’ transexual haven.  A burning question I need answered…who, oh who is Miss Thing with the horrendous blue hairdo propped up in front of the camera? Missy Blue Hair blabbed on and on about her many disabilities.  Oh, the poor little thing! May Jesus, Mary & Joseph have mercy upon your soul.

Miss Thing, get a life, & off the screen and out of my living room! And while you’re at it, do something about your hair and that outfit! Wait, just had a brainstorm! Let’s take up a collection and send Missy Blue Hair to a Paris finishing school.  Clearly America has failed her so maybe France won’t.

Speaking of France, what in the Pope’s name is going on with Candace Owens? Ms. Owens is always so pretty and wears the latest fashions (which everyone knows I adore), but her recent video series on the first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, comes up a bit lacking.  Miss Owens’ exposé may pack a punch in the U.S., but I suspect Candace doesn’t really understand French culture, so it may go over differently there…

On vera!

Even if Candace turns out to be right about the first lady of France, doubt the French would even care and would probably throw a party celebrating Brigitte’s success in Transworldylvania!

Let’s face it…Brigitte is hot!

Lord knows the American version of Brigitte would’ve been busted on their very first foray into the public arena, having sported horrendously oversized shoes (can you say special order, size 15, boys & girls)? Regardless, Ms. Owens is a crackerjack investigative reporter so we won’t hold the fact that she’s an ardent Papist against her, shall we?

Just watched Megyn Kelly’s show, and she’s gorgeous beyond belief and wears the most stylish fashions (which everyone knows I can’t resist).  Adam Carolla was her guest that day; always enjoyed watching him on Fox Network’s “Man Show,” with former partner Jimmy Kimmel.  Those two – quite a different lot these days – wonder if they even speak now? Doubt it very much, don’t cha know!

My oh my! If only I’d been born looking like Megyn Kelly! I’d be counting all my millions now, having buried my most recent husband, and of course, on my way to Hollywood for a screen test – for the remake of Gone with the Wind.  Guess who’ll be playing Scarlett O’Hara?

C’est moi, bien sûr!

Don’t cha know! Until next time…

Hollywood, Broadway & More! Miscellaneous Social Media

Keith’s Theatre, 1 /31/25

(Move over Hedda Hopper, Louella Parsons & Adela Rogers St. Johns)

Where, oh where is dear Miss Hedda when you need her most? We don’t miss the hideous millinery, but Keith’s Theatre sure misses her smarts.  She could’ve stopped the release of “Emilia Pérez,” with just one phone call.  So could Louella Parsons & even Adela Rogers St. Johns, as they both had a direct line to Hearst at San Simeon.  But alas, it’s 2025, which brings us to the cause célèbre at the moment, “Emilia Pérez.”

Best Picture, indeed!

I almost always keep my vicious mouth shut where Hollywood is concerned but when I was subjected to several snippets of this musical, well…the film was just screaming for a movie critic, so here goes…

                What in God’s name were you all thinking? Had I been charged with production; this idea would never have progressed past the planning stage.

Let’s see if I’ve got this straight, (70-year-old relic that I am):  a Mexican cartel kingpin decides it’s time to say bye-bye to Mr. Peepee and hello to Ms. V-jay-jay.  The entire thing is then scripted, set to atonic music, then subsequently, perish-the-thought, committed to celluloid!  

Oh, I almost forgot, someone had the bright idea to cast a transexual in the leading role, then nominate Miss Thing for best actress, thinking that’ll somehow redeem this horrendous mess. 


                Suffering through several minutes of this debacle was almost more than I could stomach, cannot fathom how anyone could endure the entire film, and furthermore, I’m amazed the cast could even keep a straight face while shooting.  I would’ve ended up spreadeagled on the floor, in spasmodic laughter.

Forget about potential paychecks, I’d say toodles & do triple-shifts at McDonald’s to pay my rent, thank you very much.  It clearly isn’t furthering the craft…oh wait a minute, there is no more craft! 

Don’t cha think?

Spending a lot of time these days browsing YouTube (the 21st century answer to NBC, ABC & CBS) and love the wit and wisdom of one Blaire White of The Blaire White Project.  Her reaction to selected Tik-Tok videos is especially luscious.

While we’re on the subject, what about the transexual that started it all, Christine Jorgensen? We certainly can’t forget this multi-talented lady who both acted and sang.  Her voice was soft and sultry, her nightclub acts were très chic, and don’t forget her summer stock performances as Madame Rosepettle in Arthur Kopit’s “Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feelin’ So Sad.”

Handsome Brad Polumbo has recently appeared on Sky News in Australia on several occasions.  What a catch for someone! You rule, Brad!

                Jon Voight, perennially handsome & a fine actor in many films, is apparently inside the presidential circle.  Oh-so-painfully recalled the 1970 best picture Oscar win for “Midnight Cowboy,” since I was just 16, and remember all too well its initial “X” rating that was later downgraded to “R.”  It didn’t matter, though, since I couldn’t get in then and didn’t until ’72, when I turned 18.  The infamous “X” rating was all the result of one racy (at the time) scene in the men’s room with a male hustler which didn’t surprise me much, and I ended up hustling myself a few years later.  It was simply a matter of fate, or possibly God’s will?

Oh, blessèd memories of my boyhood in the 50s where endless scraps of film ended up on the cutting room floor…who could forget the censorship of the Eisenhower era? Guess we can thank the 1960s “hippie effect” for reversing that trend (yes, I was one of “those hippies”). 

Too bad the subsequent “hippie” liberation got completely out of hand, exponentially, which brings us to the present moment!

Don’t cha think, or don’t cha? Until next time…

Miscellaneous Social Media

“Old Man of 70 Looks Back”

Keith Warren

It’s 2024 & the old man looks back at the legacy hippies left behind…

Hippies, chosen ones, flower children, idealistic dreamers, let’s change the world & protest.  We’re such good philosophers & just knew we’d figure out what the Moody Blues lyrics meant…

Vocal & visible, kind of hard ta ignore, ya might say…

Drive the point home since we’all audacious & brazen & the world’s just gotta know ta

“Give Peace a Chance!”

It’s 1967’s Summer of Love…1968’s Chicago Democratic convention! Hey, it’s spring 1970,

Kent State vs Nixon…

Got your hippie psychedelic love-ins, your hippie protests…& it’s all about the war in Vietnam…

don’t cha know?

Timothy Leary, high priest sez, “Turn on, tune in, drop out!” & we’all heard & dropped acid & did lotsa drugs & chanted: “Make love, not war!” Plenty of chemicals around, always lotsa press…

Love beads & flower power…très chic hippie bell-bottoms…long hair hippie guys & braless hippie gals.  Lotsa psychedelic posters, black lights & acid-rock music & kids named Aura, Star, Raven, Moonbeam & “we’z just doin’ our own thing, baby!”

Old man regrets too late what the hippie philosophy unleashed upon this world…